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A member registered Jun 07, 2016

Recent community posts

(1 edit)

Protip, on the main menu, you can't click the options unless you press inside the letter lines, so the hole in "O" isn't even clickable.

I'd add a transparent png or something and have it behind the letters, and make the png the button, so you don't have to click exactly the line of the letter :D


(1 edit)

Small rant on accessibility issues, beware of potential spoilers

I have to say: as someone with mobility issues, QTE's in VN's feels so out of place, especially for those of us who regularly use eye tracking / voice control / other special control systems to use our PC's

Luckily I can use a mouse, my issue is just with using one for more than an hour or two, but suddenly missing a QTE out of seemingly nowhere because the eye tracking "click" action takes a second, and then having to dig out a mouse, load a save and try again isn't too fun.

I'd like to see more authors add an option in preferences to either prolong the time you have to react to these events / a way to disable these events, if possible :)


Other than this, I'm loving this one so far :D

Edit: or add the option to use the keyboard to activate the button, as it seemed to ignore the usual arrows + enter to click....

Appearently not, then you have to support with $10 on patreon every month...